Blessed - A Charmed Spinoff Wiki
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The Blessed wiki is a free, public and collaborative project for all, to help create a thorough and informative encyclopedia for the television spin-off of Charmed, Blessed. This page is filled with spoilers!

We've been currently editing 291 articles since April 4 of 2018.

Blessed - A Charmed Spinoff
The Halliwell clan gets a new member.
BLESSED SEASON 1 - Set from 2015 to 2016, Blessed brings us the new adventures Pip Muniz-Halliwell, the long-lost son of Phoebe Halliwell. Phoebe gave birth to Pip in 1998 and then left New York, not keeping in touch with her son since she last saw him as a newborn. Now Pip appears on the doorstep of Halliwell Manor and is reunited with his mother after 17 years; but that isn't the full beginning of this story. After Pip becomes a member of the Losers' Club, Beverly Carson and Eddie Kresington both decide to stand by Pip's side as he fights in the great battle against evil. A high-five and a pat-on-the-back creates a powerful bond and then we're introduced to the Blessed Ones. Three best friends who each descend from powerful lines: Warren-Halliwells, Radwell-Kresingtons and Smith-Carsons. In the first season we learn about their pasts, that being childhoods, familial pasts and more as we follow their lives and their battles against new and old demons.

Blessed was written by Matt and belongs to him. It cannot be copied without his permission. I do not own anything Charmed related, which is owned by Constance M. Burge and Brad Kern. I also do not own anything It or Kingverse related, which is owned by Stephen King. No infringement of any copyrights is intended.


Blessed Opening Song

Blessed Opening Credits

Blessed was created by © Matt and belongs to him. All characters traits in Blessed belong to © Matt as well. Blessed is a registered work and belongs only and exclusively to © Matt. Any copy or reproduction without permission is a crime punished by law. Promotional posters and images were created by © Matt as well. Photos used to created promotional images for Blessed are property of their respective owners.The Blessed Wiki is not affiliated with Charmed, It/Kingverse, or the Blessed Cast. All trademarks, copyrights and/or legal ownership of items are property of their respective owners. Some of the info found about Charmed are property of Charmed Wiki, information found about It/Kingverse are property of Stephen King Wiki and information about anything else can be found in their own pages of this wiki. The layout of this page was inspired by Destined Wiki and designed to fit Blessed needs and criterias
This wiki is a fun, informative guide to all Charmed, It/Kingverse and Blessed fans to use as they see fit.
Our Sister Site: Rex and Hannah Chronicles Wiki
Written by Tim McCree

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